Jan 31, 2009

The Cutest Purse

After cleaning up my scraps, (I made myself cut every scrap that was out of the basket into squares) I rewarded myself with a little creative play. There was the jean pant leg cut open with a jagged cut on the top just laying there begging to be made into something, and since purses are my latest obsession that's what it became. I folded it back and loved the asymetry that happened. I found some wonderful Japanese fabric that I really had to force myself to cut and I love what evolved. I'm thinking of selling it in my shop but I couldn't resist giving it a test run. It worked beautifully! I was worried about not having any closures but because it is narrow on top it didn't gape and things felt secure.

Jan 18, 2009

Out of control scraps

Okay so now that I have put up a picture of my sweaty horse I decided I'd show you what my scrap box looks like. They seem similar to me.

Jan 16, 2009

Kimonos and horses

This is what happens when I put off doing what I should be doing. I'm not sure why that is but if I have to clean house or make market bag instruction (for example) boy do I get busy and creative.
This morning I went on a long ride, or long for me anyways. I rode Mimi, I call her my tank because she pretty much plows through anything and has the lightness of a tank. Partly it's the draft in her and the rest is her opinionated personality. She has a mind of her own. It's been so warm that she sweats like crazy. Here is a picture of her curly dried sweat chest.

Jan 12, 2009

Three Dimensional Kimonos

So I got sidetracked with the bag instructional. I will get back to it, I promise. I was so excited to finally sell something on Etsy. I sold two of my little 3D Kimono quilts and then I decided to send a little thank you card with the package. I decided on a folded paper Kimono just like on the quilts but.....I found I had forgotten how to make them. So much folding later I had it figured out again and then I just couldn't stop and made a bunch out of fabric. Then of course that lead to thinking about more little quilts. So I put these up on my design wall just to look at and think about.

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Jan 8, 2009


Welcome to my new blog. I intend to start right off with a tutorial on how to make a market bag. I am teaching a class on it in Feb so this will be good practice. The instructions will be coming soon.